Annual Report

(Part 1)

This project was a two-part project that I did with a partner. For the first part of the project, I had to choose a company and redesign the logo for it. The company I picked was Lego because I’ve noticed that they have had the same logo for many years and never really have changed it. I also thought I would be able to use some fun colors. I thought it would’ve been fun to make the word Lego out of Legos because the company has never done anything like that before. To also show off the purpose of Legos, I thought I could have the letter O look like its getting put together or being taken apart by putting the Lego block floating in the air. This project was also one of my favorites because I got to put a fun twist on the logo of a well-known company and make it how I would suggest the company’s logo to be.


Annual Report

(Part 2)

Once my partner and I finished our logos for our own separate companies, we both had to discuss with each other what we want our annual reports to look like. I would be creating my partner's company (Walmart) annual report and she would be creating my annual report for Lego. She gave me a rough idea of what she wanted her annual report to look like. She also gave me some control over what I wanted her annual report to look like, in regards to the fourth and fifth pages that were included. She requested that I use Walmart’s official colors, which gave me the idea to stick the colored photos in the (yellow) spark shape. It was strange doing this project and not being in charge of it like past projects. I instead had to design what the other graphic designer wanted through sketches and descriptions, this helped me learn how to work with other designers.


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