
Madison Brovold

I remember throughout middle school and high school I would always be drawing or doodling, whatever came to my mind, whether if it was in my notebooks or tablets. With art being also one of my favorite subjects in high school I knew during my last year that I wanted to get a degree for something art-related. When I discovered more on what graphic design was I thought it would make a good choice as a career, and since it was more technology-based, I thought I could do something I love to do as a living. I also thought it would be interesting to learn how to design and create on the computer since I was mostly familiar with drawing and painting at the time. With the classes I’ve taken at SMSU I can now say I have become more familiar and comfortable with the key Adobe programs used with graphic design.

Looking back at what I created as a high schooler and as a college student, I would say my art style had a simple, cartoony theme/look to it, while keeping it professional. I would also try and show my personality through what I created that way something I create has meaning behind it. For the future, I would also like to do this concept for when I create any kind of design because I like to think that when someone looks at my designs they can see the personality and the meaning, it gives the audience something to connect with as well.